Maria Renee Horn

Web Cartography at the University of Kentucky

map of the distribution of rare plants in Kentucky

Distribution of Rare Plants in KY

This map is shows the distribution of rare plants in Kentucky.

This data was obtained from Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission.

It was built using custom JavasCript code drawing upon the Leaflet and Jquery Javascript Libraries.

map of texbooks in Kenya

Textbook Provision in Kenya

This map is comparing the number of textbooks between private and public schools in Kenya. The school subjects chosen included: English, Kiswahili, Math, Science and Social Studies.

This data was obtained from the Kenyan Open Data Portal and Open Africa by Code for Africa.

It was built using custom JavasCript code drawing upon the Leaflet JavaScript Library.

map of earthquakes in the United States

United States Earthquakes

This map shows earthquakes within each region from 1933 to 2014 in the United States. A slider was created in order to visualize earthquakes by year of occurrence.

This data was obtained from Strong-Motion Virtual Data Center (VDC).

It was built using custom JavasCript code drawing upon the Cartodb, Simple Statistics and Toposon Javascript Libraries.

map of unemplyoment rates in Kentucky

Unemployment Rates in Kentucky

This map shows the unemployment rates in Kentucky from 2000 to 2013. A slider was created in order to visualize data rates by year.

This data was provided by Rich Donohue, Ph.D - MAP673 instructor.

It was built using custom JavasCript code drawing upon the Leaflet, PapaParse, Simple Statistics and Jquery Javascript Libraries.

map of vacant dwellings in Kentucky

Vacant Dwellings in Kentucky

This map shows the distribution of vacant dwellings in the State of Kentucky by county.

This data was obtained from the American Fact Finder.

It was built using custom JavasCript code drawing upon the Leaflet and Jquery JavaScript Library.

map of power generation

United States Electric Power Generation

This map shows Hydro, Petroleum and Solar electric power generation across the United States.

Upon clicking on the map, you will see all the electric power plants within 500 km and the area will be highlighted. Information regarding individual plants like its name, capacity in Megawatts and its distance from the plant to the click point will be also available.

It was built using custom JavasCript code drawing upon the Leaflet JavaScript Library.

map of KY eBird

Kentucky eBird Observations and Audubon Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas, 2014

This Map shows bird observations of Kentucky Imperiled/Vulnerable species from 2014 eBird observation records. Kentucky and Global ranking statuses were obtained from the Kentucky State Nature Preserve Commission's published county records (

The eBird observation records were obtained in May 2015 from Cornell's eBird website. Species without special State or Global ranking status were excluded from the analysis.

This map was generated in QGIS using CartoDB CSS styles.

map of greenhouse gas emissions

2014 Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Large Facilities

Emissions of Carbon Dioxide by State and Industry

This data set does not reflect total U.S. GHG emissions. Data report to EPA as of 08/16/2015.

It was created in QGIS using CartoDB CSS styles.

map of cancer incidence

Cancer Incidence in the United States

This map shows the average incidence rate per 100,000 people, average from 2008 - 2012.

Data were downloaded from the National Cancer Institute on 11/13/12015. The data describe cancer rates for all cancer sites by mortality, for all races, sexes, and ages, averaged over the years of 2008 - 2012.

This map was generated in QGIS using CartoDB CSS styles.

map of bus stops

San Francisco's Bus Stops

This map shows the bus stops in San Francisco, California with a half-mile buffer distance.

It was created with QuickOSM plugin using data from OpenStreetMap and SF OpenData, both QGIS projects.